Important information and links for students.
Welcome to Beverly City School! We are so pleased to have you and look forward to teaching you and learning from you.The Beverly City Board of Education affirms that every student should be given an equal opportunity to enjoy the benefits and privileges of full participation in all aspects of school life regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin or social economic status.
Expectations for students conductThe Board of Education believes that students should commit themselves to learning and to the development of their unique potential. Students should know that their attitudes and acts affect both their own and their classmates’ learning and should accept responsibility for helping to create a positive school environment. With the support and assistance of school staff members and parents and guardians, all students can contribute to the effectiveness of the school and the value of their education.
Important links |
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American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)About Beverly City SchoolBeverly City School is a Preschool through 8th grade school located in Beverly City, New Jersey.
Copyright © Beverly City School 2023